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Hi lovelies!


My name is Revathi V. Machan. I’m an Indian American 18 year old opportunist/workaholic who uses creation to solve all her problems. Currently I am a sophomore at Rutgers double majoring in Environmental Policy and Environmental Design. Conserving the natural world is something I’d like to focus on in a professional capacity, for the simple reason that I like seeing green when I look out my window. And in my free time, I make things. 


I’ve always had a knack for making things. This was never exclusive to only illustration. My interest in arts ranges from painting to sketching to scratch arting. This love of creating things doesn’t apply to one medium. In fact it doesn’t even apply to only art. I love gardening, writing, thrifting, and I hope to get into woodworking at some point. My passion lies in creating things with my own hands, whatever that may be. I have on several occasions tried to condense my interests into one style and medium, but it never worked out because I can’t just stick to one style. Not when there is so much more I can do with all of these different ones! Alas, I’ve dedicated this site to my art pieces and work. You’ll find paintings, sketches, works in progress, illustrations, and designs. 

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